Are You Chronically Overthinking?

Every now and again I get a client in front of me that says something along these lines: “Oh man, I think so much, my mind is always busy. At night I don’t sleep well because I just can’t let it go…


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How to make XGBoost available in Apache Zeppelin

For this step we need to clone the repository from github and build the project:

Next we need to go into the newly cloned repository and build the project:

For Mac users you have to do an additional step, before building with make :

This command will also run some tests, but we can skip that to make the installation faster. If you wish to do that simply run this command instead:

In the first cell of the notebook we can add the jar we just compiled:

If we run this cell, we will make XGBoost available. To test it out we can import the main package:

This should run without any error. Now we can build Spark ML apps with XGBoost in Apache Zeppelin.

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