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What is a neural network?

Artificial neural networks (KNN) are inspired by the human brain and can be used for machine learning and artificial intelligence. With these networks, different problems can be solved computer-based.

The Artificial Neural Network (KNN) is modeled to a certain extent on the structure of the biological brain. It consists of an abstract model of interconnected neurons whose special arrangement and interconnection allow computer-based solutions to application problems in various fields such as statistics, technology or economics. A neural network is an object of research in neuroinformatics and a branch of artificial intelligence. Neural networks must be trained before they can solve problems.

Basically, a distinction can be made between input neurons, hidden neurons, and output neurons. The input neurons receive information in the form of patterns or signals from the outside world. The hidden neurons are located between the input and output neurons and represent internal information patterns. Output neurons pass on information and signals as a result of the outside world. The different neurons are connected to each other via the so-called edges. Thus the output of one neuron can become the input of the next neuron. Depending on the strength and significance of the connection, the edge has a certain weighting. The stronger the weighting, the greater the influence a neuron can have on another neuron via the connection.

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