19. dissemble

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Gratitude Activities to Practice With Your Kids

A young boy holding his hands to his heart practicing gratitude activities for kids.

Gratitude is an important value that can help young children appreciate what they have, develop a positive outlook, and build stronger relationships with others. However, instilling gratitude in young children can be a challenge for many parents. Read on to learn some of the gratitude activities that you can do as a family to help children develop an attitude of gratitude.

Encourage your child to keep a gratitude journal. Each day, ask them to write down one thing that they are grateful for. It can be as simple as having a yummy breakfast or spending time with their favorite toy. This activity will help them focus on the positive things in their lives and appreciate what they have.

Teach your child the importance of saying “thank you” by helping them write thank you notes. Whether it is for a gift or a kind gesture, have your child write a note expressing their gratitude. This activity will not only help them develop gratitude, but also teach them about good manners.

Create a gratitude jar where your child can store notes of things they are grateful for. Decorate a jar and have your child write down things they are thankful for on small pieces of paper. They can add a new note to the jar every day or whenever they feel thankful for something.

Encourage your child to perform acts of kindness for others. Whether it is helping a friend with their homework or making a card for a grandparent, this activity will help them appreciate the impact of their actions and feel grateful for the people in their lives.

Take your child on a gratitude walk. As you walk, encourage your child to identify things that they are thankful for, such as a beautiful flower or a friendly neighbour. This activity will help your child develop a sense of appreciation for the world around them.

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